Table View

Total Number of rows: 30004

Page Number: 1

ID file name file title uploaded at Username Identifier Firstname Lastname json1 json2 data tracking flag
8 ABCD BACB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DDCD 0 mnee aaan {'projects': [{'Title': 'CBDA', 'funder': 'FBFG'}, {'Title': 'DCAA', 'funder': 'FM B'}, {'Title': 'BADB', 'funder': 'FFBD'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'eana', 'projects': 'prjpcte', 'institution': 'ttuiisitiot'}, {'name': 'eaea', 'projects': 'jepceop', 'institution': 'oinuttiinnn'}, {'name': 'abc', 'projects': 'DDD', 'institution': 'oooo'}]} False Edit Delete
3 CDCB DACD Nov. 16, 2023, 12:59 p.m. CCDC 42 the first name the last name {'projects': [{'Title': 'AAA', 'funder': 'DFG'}, {'Title': 'INF', 'funder': 'DFG'}, {'Title': 'SFB860', 'funder': 'BMBF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'mmmn', 'projects': ['SFB963', 'NFDI4Biodiv', 'TTTTT'], 'institution': 'AIP'}, {'name': 'collab3', 'projects': ['NFDI4Earth', 'KISSKI', 'UUUUU'], 'institution': 'AIP'}, {'name': 'collab4', 'projects': 'KKKK', 'institution': 'Iiii'}]} False Edit Delete
16 DBCC DDCC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DADB 0 aane mnan {'projects': [{'Title': 'DBCA', 'funder': 'F DG'}, {'Title': 'BACA', 'funder': ' FDB'}, {'Title': 'ABCA', 'funder': 'BBDG'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'aamn', 'projects': 'ptjroje', 'institution': 'ittioisooin'}, {'name': 'emaa', 'projects': 'ceetper', 'institution': 'ittsutsttnt'}]} False Edit Delete
17 DBDD AABB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. ADAD 0 eaae enmn {'projects': [{'Title': 'AABB', 'funder': 'FBFM'}, {'Title': 'DBCB', 'funder': 'FBGG'}, {'Title': 'BDCC', 'funder': 'FBBB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'eenm', 'projects': 'rtretcp', 'institution': 'noiioitsiti'}, {'name': 'eman', 'projects': 'pprtcrp', 'institution': 'inuusiosuin'}]} False Edit Delete
18 BDDC ABAC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CADC 0 mnaa memn {'projects': [{'Title': 'DDDB', 'funder': 'DBDM'}, {'Title': 'DADB', 'funder': 'MBBF'}, {'Title': 'ABCD', 'funder': 'FGMF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'aaae', 'projects': 'ccrropc', 'institution': 'uitostttutt'}, {'name': 'nnme', 'projects': 'ecerjrj', 'institution': 'iutoniittst'}]} False Edit Delete
10 BCAD DCBB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DDDC 0 eaea mmee {'projects': [{'Title': 'BADA', 'funder': 'FMGF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'eane', 'projects': 'jptjpor', 'institution': 'ttisintoitu'}, {'name': 'eaee', 'projects': 'eeprctp', 'institution': 'tttotnotiio'}]} False Edit Delete
15 BDAC CADD Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DDAD 0 nnae namm {'projects': [{'Title': 'BACA', 'funder': 'BMGM'}, {'Title': 'CABD', 'funder': 'DDG '}, {'Title': 'BDDA', 'funder': 'MFMG'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'meem', 'projects': 'ectccte', 'institution': 'tnttttiitis'}, {'name': 'aenm', 'projects': 'creceec', 'institution': 'ouitniutntn'}]} True Edit Delete
7 CAAD DABC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. AADB 0 amna mnmn {'projects': [{'Title': 'ADAD', 'funder': 'FGBB'}, {'Title': 'BCCB', 'funder': 'DDGM'}, {'Title': 'ABCB', 'funder': 'GFFF'}, {'Title': 'DDDD', 'funder': 'DFG'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'meaa', 'projects': 'jjctjjt', 'institution': 'otnnttstiii'}, {'name': 'nmne', 'projects': 'joceoot', 'institution': 'niounnitint'}]} False Edit Delete
2 the file name2 the file title2 Nov. 15, 2023, 2:12 p.m. the user name2 42 the first name2 the last name2 {'projects': [{'Title': 'GRK2300', 'funder': 'DFG'}, {'Title': 'BExIS++', 'funder': 'DFG'}, {'Title': 'blah blah', 'funder': 'DBU'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'Iris_2', 'projects': ['SSSSSSSS', 'BEFmate'], 'institution': 'UUUUUU'}, {'name': 'jniesch', 'projects': ['NFDI4Health', 'MBex'], 'institution': 'UFZ'}]} False Edit Delete
1 the file name the file title Nov. 15, 2023, 2:06 p.m. the user name 42 the first name the last name {'projects': [{'Title': 'SFB1002', 'funder': 'DFG'}, {'Title': 'INF', 'funder': 'DFG'}, {'Title': 'SFB860'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'chhh', 'projects': ['llm', 'NFDI4Biodiv'], 'institution': 'goettingen'}, {'name': 'collab3', 'projects': ['NFDI4Earth', 'KISSKI'], 'institution': 'AIP'}]} False Edit Delete
11 CADB CDBC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DBBC 0 emam enmn {'projects': [{'Title': 'BCAC', 'funder': 'MFFG'}, {'Title': 'CACD', 'funder': 'FFDG'}, {'Title': 'BAAD', 'funder': 'MFGB'}, {'Title': 'Django', 'funder': 'Iris'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nann', 'projects': 'rocorce', 'institution': 'iiitttiiiii'}, {'name': 'aanm', 'projects': 'ttocjor', 'institution': 'iooiintosis'}]} False Edit Delete
4 DDBB DDAE Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DCCA 0 nmea amem {'projects': [{'Title': 'DDDDD', 'funder': 'FBD'}, {'Title': 'DBCB', 'funder': 'DMBG'}, {'Title': 'DDBA', 'funder': 'DFMM'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'eame', 'projects': 'ejptcoe', 'institution': 'itntitiiuit'}, {'name': 'maem', 'projects': 'ooeeoce', 'institution': 'ntnntnniunn'}]} False Edit Delete
5 ADAB ABCE Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CBBB 0 meen amea {'projects': [{'Title': 'Iris', 'funder': 'Haider'}, {'Title': 'ACDA', 'funder': 'BBGM'}, {'Title': 'DDCA', 'funder': 'M DF'}, {'Title': 'AAA', 'funder': 'Iris'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'mane', 'projects': 'ppcrjrp', 'institution': 'nttutuioini'}, {'name': 'nnmm', 'projects': 'rctptte', 'institution': 'issnnnoitnu'}]} True Edit Delete
9 DBDC CBDD Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. BABB 0 neaa aamn {'projects': [{'Title': 'BABA', 'funder': 'GMDB'}, {'Title': 'DDCA', 'funder': 'MGFF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'aena', 'projects': 'opojcoo', 'institution': 'oiiitnttint'}, {'name': 'nnan', 'projects': 'ecrrtjp', 'institution': 'untuntootsi'}]} True Edit Delete
19 ADCC BDAD Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. BDCD 0 mman aaem {'projects': [{'Title': 'DCCA', 'funder': 'FMGF'}, {'Title': 'DCAB', 'funder': 'FDG '}, {'Title': 'CDBB', 'funder': 'BFMF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'mnen', 'projects': 'jtjppjp', 'institution': 'ntusnuuunuu'}, {'name': 'eanm', 'projects': 'rtjojej', 'institution': 'nnttiitiits'}, {'name': 'eanm', 'projects': 'rtjojej', 'institution': 'nnttiitiits'}]} False Edit Delete
20 AADD BDAC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CBAB 0 ammn eaae {'projects': [{'Title': 'ACAB', 'funder': 'BFBD'}, {'Title': 'CDBD', 'funder': 'DBBG'}, {'Title': 'ABCD', 'funder': 'FGBF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'mamm', 'projects': 'ejcrcpc', 'institution': 'nsonuoniiin'}, {'name': 'aane', 'projects': 'cpoejpt', 'institution': 'stitotiiint'}]} False Edit Delete
21 DBDB CABA Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. AADD 0 mena maaa {'projects': [{'Title': 'DAAB', 'funder': 'MDMM'}, {'Title': 'ABDA', 'funder': 'MFFD'}, {'Title': 'CDCB', 'funder': 'FMGD'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'aemm', 'projects': 'ejeojco', 'institution': 'touinsttuui'}, {'name': 'nanm', 'projects': 'errtctt', 'institution': 'ttotiuiitit'}]} False Edit Delete
22 DCDA DCBA Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. ACCA 0 nmee mnem {'projects': [{'Title': 'CDAC', 'funder': 'B BF'}, {'Title': 'DABC', 'funder': 'BDB '}, {'Title': 'CBBC', 'funder': 'FDB '}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nmem', 'projects': 'cppcppp', 'institution': 'tintnotnnni'}, {'name': 'aemn', 'projects': 'jeprtpc', 'institution': 'ittitissnti'}]} False Edit Delete
23 CBDD CBCD Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CCBD 0 aeea amam {'projects': [{'Title': 'ACDD', 'funder': 'BFM '}, {'Title': 'DADA', 'funder': 'FDFD'}, {'Title': 'CAAA', 'funder': ' DFM'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'naem', 'projects': 'prpoort', 'institution': 'iottitsttsi'}, {'name': 'eaen', 'projects': 'jjjtccp', 'institution': 'itsiiintiii'}]} False Edit Delete
24 DAAB DBDB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. ABAA 0 ennm nman {'projects': [{'Title': 'BDAC', 'funder': ' FBF'}, {'Title': 'CCCC', 'funder': 'DBFB'}, {'Title': 'BCAD', 'funder': 'MDBF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'aman', 'projects': 'pjoojpo', 'institution': 'tntiotniiin'}, {'name': 'eana', 'projects': 'epjtjje', 'institution': 'ttstisiniot'}]} False Edit Delete
25 DDCA BCCD Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. BCCC 0 nmam eene {'projects': [{'Title': 'DDCD', 'funder': 'M '}, {'Title': 'BCDD', 'funder': 'BFGB'}, {'Title': 'BDCA', 'funder': 'MBBF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'mena', 'projects': 'ttpepto', 'institution': 'iinsuniissu'}, {'name': 'anan', 'projects': 'cpocotj', 'institution': 'nsttntntint'}]} False Edit Delete
26 DDAC BDBA Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. ACDA 0 mana nene {'projects': [{'Title': 'ADCC', 'funder': 'BMFG'}, {'Title': 'CAAC', 'funder': 'MBFG'}, {'Title': 'DCBD', 'funder': 'BGBF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'eana', 'projects': 'jojrper', 'institution': 'otoitusinui'}, {'name': 'eane', 'projects': 'ctrrtro', 'institution': 'istiioioiii'}]} False Edit Delete
27 DAAD CADB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CDAA 0 emem meaa {'projects': [{'Title': 'DDCB', 'funder': 'GBBF'}, {'Title': 'DAAD', 'funder': 'BMGB'}, {'Title': 'DAAA', 'funder': 'BGFG'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'amee', 'projects': 'eccocrc', 'institution': 'oiutottiini'}, {'name': 'memn', 'projects': 'tjoooop', 'institution': 'ntttunitoui'}, {'name': 'memn', 'projects': 'tjoooop', 'institution': 'ntttunitoui'}]} False Edit Delete
28 ABAA BCCC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. ABBA 0 eamm nenn {'projects': [{'Title': 'DAAD', 'funder': 'BF F'}, {'Title': 'ABCD', 'funder': 'FFFF'}, {'Title': 'ADDD', 'funder': 'DDBG'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'naae', 'projects': 'rctootr', 'institution': 'tiotsiuioii'}, {'name': 'aaan', 'projects': 'reteorj', 'institution': 'ointnsuious'}]} False Edit Delete
29 ACAC DACC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. BCBD 0 mnmn mama {'projects': [{'Title': 'BDBB', 'funder': 'FDMB'}, {'Title': 'CBBD', 'funder': 'FF B'}, {'Title': 'CDBD', 'funder': 'F MB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'eaae', 'projects': 'eoejotj', 'institution': 'inttooititt'}, {'name': 'mnea', 'projects': 'ccoepjp', 'institution': 'itottitntsu'}]} False Edit Delete
30 ACDD BCAD Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. ACBC 0 mmne nean {'projects': [{'Title': 'ABBA', 'funder': 'MFGG'}, {'Title': 'CACB', 'funder': 'DMG '}, {'Title': 'AABC', 'funder': 'GGFG'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'amnm', 'projects': 'tcecoop', 'institution': 'nitiouunitn'}, {'name': 'nmaa', 'projects': 'ceoptor', 'institution': 'issnouiouui'}]} False Edit Delete
31 ADDC ADDC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. ACDD 0 aema naam {'projects': [{'Title': 'AACC', 'funder': 'M DG'}, {'Title': 'AABC', 'funder': 'F B '}, {'Title': 'DCAC', 'funder': 'GFMG'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'emea', 'projects': 'jrtjoeo', 'institution': 'oonoitssuit'}, {'name': 'nenn', 'projects': 'prrtjrc', 'institution': 'ttttuttsttu'}]} False Edit Delete
32 BAAD BCAB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DCBA 0 nean amea {'projects': [{'Title': 'CDCA', 'funder': 'MFFB'}, {'Title': 'ABCA', 'funder': 'MBFF'}, {'Title': 'BAAB', 'funder': 'DGFF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'neme', 'projects': 'pcpjpor', 'institution': 'nsniiosiiin'}, {'name': 'aeee', 'projects': 'epocjrt', 'institution': 'tinstuontnn'}]} False Edit Delete
33 ACDB BABD Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DABA 0 nnem nmmm {'projects': [{'Title': 'BACA', 'funder': 'BGGD'}, {'Title': 'CCDD', 'funder': 'FGGF'}, {'Title': 'DBBA', 'funder': 'FFBF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'meae', 'projects': 'eeepeor', 'institution': 'iniiiiutiis'}, {'name': 'mamm', 'projects': 'rpjoppr', 'institution': 'tiuitinttni'}]} False Edit Delete
34 ABAC DACC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. BDDC 0 mana emen {'projects': [{'Title': 'CDAD', 'funder': 'FBDF'}, {'Title': 'BCDA', 'funder': 'BBFB'}, {'Title': 'DBAC', 'funder': ' FF '}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'mnme', 'projects': 'ojpcpro', 'institution': 'iotnttstioi'}, {'name': 'menm', 'projects': 'ptppoce', 'institution': 'toususnnioi'}]} False Edit Delete
35 DBBB BABA Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DADB 0 namn mmee {'projects': [{'Title': 'CBAC', 'funder': 'FFDM'}, {'Title': 'CDDB', 'funder': ' FFF'}, {'Title': 'BBAB', 'funder': 'GF B'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'mann', 'projects': 'jjjeppt', 'institution': 'iitnntnntio'}, {'name': 'manm', 'projects': 'jeoootp', 'institution': 'tnittstssti'}]} False Edit Delete
36 DAAB BDCB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CDDA 0 nnnn naee {'projects': [{'Title': 'DDBD', 'funder': 'GG B'}, {'Title': 'BDAA', 'funder': 'DFG '}, {'Title': 'CAAA', 'funder': 'BMGG'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'eean', 'projects': 'cjopotp', 'institution': 'nosiinitoti'}, {'name': 'menm', 'projects': 'cojojop', 'institution': 'iusiitnttut'}]} False Edit Delete
37 ACCD BDDA Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. AAAC 0 enne emne {'projects': [{'Title': 'DACD', 'funder': 'MGFF'}, {'Title': 'DCDB', 'funder': 'F FM'}, {'Title': 'DBAC', 'funder': ' FFB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nana', 'projects': 'pjtctrp', 'institution': 'tisonsnitut'}, {'name': 'nmee', 'projects': 'ottejpc', 'institution': 'sstuttntnit'}]} False Edit Delete
38 ABDB CBCB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DDDB 0 nnea aeen {'projects': [{'Title': 'DDCA', 'funder': 'FGBF'}, {'Title': 'DBAC', 'funder': 'BB G'}, {'Title': 'DCDC', 'funder': 'BMMD'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'namn', 'projects': 'tptojee', 'institution': 'isnnnnnsnst'}, {'name': 'mema', 'projects': 'epopppp', 'institution': 'siininutsit'}]} False Edit Delete
39 CDCB ABBC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. BCCC 0 namm naae {'projects': [{'Title': 'BBDA', 'funder': 'G BD'}, {'Title': 'AACC', 'funder': 'FGFB'}, {'Title': 'DCCB', 'funder': 'GDFM'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nmaa', 'projects': 'trcppjp', 'institution': 'iusnntitsiu'}, {'name': 'nmnn', 'projects': 'cjepjtc', 'institution': 'ottiitiutos'}]} False Edit Delete
40 DCAB BCAA Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DBDD 0 nmna amne {'projects': [{'Title': 'ABAA', 'funder': 'B FM'}, {'Title': 'DCCD', 'funder': 'BGFF'}, {'Title': 'BADD', 'funder': 'BMBB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nenm', 'projects': 'cppeeer', 'institution': 'ttnntiitinu'}, {'name': 'anee', 'projects': 'jeereeo', 'institution': 'onuiiutitun'}, {'name': 'anee', 'projects': 'jeereeo', 'institution': 'onuiiutitun'}]} False Edit Delete
41 AAAB DCDB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. ADAC 0 aana eaam {'projects': [{'Title': 'CCCA', 'funder': 'B B '}, {'Title': 'DDAC', 'funder': 'BFBB'}, {'Title': 'ADCB', 'funder': 'FBBF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'eenm', 'projects': 'ocjopjc', 'institution': 'otiinittunn'}, {'name': 'eamm', 'projects': 'ceojrec', 'institution': 'iioniitoitu'}]} False Edit Delete
42 ACAA ADCD Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CDBA 0 aana mnen {'projects': [{'Title': 'ACBB', 'funder': 'MDDF'}, {'Title': 'CDBD', 'funder': ' FGM'}, {'Title': 'BABD', 'funder': 'BFFF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'aaaa', 'projects': 'rreojee', 'institution': 'sntnnntnitt'}, {'name': 'eane', 'projects': 'cppjjte', 'institution': 'nitiuiotonn'}, {'name': 'eane', 'projects': 'cppjjte', 'institution': 'nitiuiotonn'}]} False Edit Delete
43 DBCC ADDC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DDCD 0 mame eane {'projects': [{'Title': 'CDBD', 'funder': 'GGBF'}, {'Title': 'DCBB', 'funder': 'BDMB'}, {'Title': 'DBCA', 'funder': 'GDFB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'mmmn', 'projects': 'ttjjecj', 'institution': 'ntttitniitt'}, {'name': 'nnme', 'projects': 'peeepcj', 'institution': 'iistiitnsto'}]} False Edit Delete
44 CDAA ADAB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CBAD 0 neen anmm {'projects': [{'Title': 'DCAC', 'funder': ' DF '}, {'Title': 'DCDC', 'funder': 'GDDD'}, {'Title': 'CCCB', 'funder': ' GBM'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nnne', 'projects': 'repjpet', 'institution': 'itsitstntnt'}, {'name': 'naan', 'projects': 'treoteo', 'institution': 'tnioitiunit'}]} False Edit Delete
45 CBAA DBDB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CACB 0 eean neaa {'projects': [{'Title': 'AACB', 'funder': 'G B'}, {'Title': 'CDAB', 'funder': 'BFDB'}, {'Title': 'AABC', 'funder': 'B BB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'anem', 'projects': 'repprrp', 'institution': 'snsiinuonti'}, {'name': 'enne', 'projects': 'etprpjr', 'institution': 'ttiutsnitit'}]} False Edit Delete
46 CAAA DABB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. BBDD 0 nnne mmem {'projects': [{'Title': 'DBCD', 'funder': 'BBFG'}, {'Title': 'DBDA', 'funder': 'FM F'}, {'Title': 'DDCD', 'funder': 'DFMF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'naen', 'projects': 'petpoec', 'institution': 'tnntitiutot'}, {'name': 'nnem', 'projects': 'epjpjte', 'institution': 'nittiitiuon'}]} False Edit Delete
47 DABC DCBC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. ACBB 0 nmaa aana {'projects': [{'Title': 'CBCD', 'funder': ' GFD'}, {'Title': 'DCBD', 'funder': 'FGBG'}, {'Title': 'BBCC', 'funder': 'BF '}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'mama', 'projects': 'tejeoec', 'institution': 'nttisinoiii'}, {'name': 'nmae', 'projects': 'cecrpop', 'institution': 'ustntttintt'}]} False Edit Delete
48 ACBB BDDC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DBBA 0 naae mene {'projects': [{'Title': 'DDBC', 'funder': 'MDBG'}, {'Title': 'CACC', 'funder': ' BFF'}, {'Title': 'DBCD', 'funder': 'FFFB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'mane', 'projects': 'cotpece', 'institution': 'tsunninsiii'}, {'name': 'enee', 'projects': 'cjtpprt', 'institution': 'iisnotutiit'}]} False Edit Delete
49 ACCC CDDB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. BCBC 0 aamn nman {'projects': [{'Title': 'BDDD', 'funder': 'BFBB'}, {'Title': 'BDBC', 'funder': 'FBGD'}, {'Title': 'ACDC', 'funder': 'GMFB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'enna', 'projects': 'otctcct', 'institution': 'uuituuintti'}, {'name': 'nmmm', 'projects': 'jrpopoj', 'institution': 'iiiooininnt'}]} False Edit Delete
50 CDAC DADB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DBBA 0 mmma enem {'projects': [{'Title': 'DADD', 'funder': 'B BF'}, {'Title': 'BCDC', 'funder': 'GMGM'}, {'Title': 'ABBD', 'funder': 'FFB '}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'eame', 'projects': 'jtoccjc', 'institution': 'sttniiuioni'}, {'name': 'mene', 'projects': 'jprrjep', 'institution': 'snnnttittiu'}]} False Edit Delete
51 DAAA ABDC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CDBD 0 aena annn {'projects': [{'Title': 'DADB', 'funder': 'FGFF'}, {'Title': 'BABB', 'funder': 'BMFF'}, {'Title': 'CCBB', 'funder': ' MB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nmae', 'projects': 'cjrtpet', 'institution': 'tuuntttiott'}, {'name': 'aeae', 'projects': 'copcrpe', 'institution': 'ttnsititnut'}]} False Edit Delete
52 BDAA BACB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DCBA 0 namm eame {'projects': [{'Title': 'ADCB', 'funder': 'DMFF'}, {'Title': 'ACDC', 'funder': 'BBF '}, {'Title': 'CDCA', 'funder': 'D DF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'eenm', 'projects': 'tjrpcro', 'institution': 'ntuntiouiiu'}, {'name': 'amna', 'projects': 'rrojrjp', 'institution': 'otntiisttio'}]} False Edit Delete
53 AACD DBBB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. ABDD 0 emaa maaa {'projects': [{'Title': 'ADCC', 'funder': 'DFBF'}, {'Title': 'ADBD', 'funder': 'DBMF'}, {'Title': 'DCAD', 'funder': 'MFFF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nmen', 'projects': 'torjjjc', 'institution': 'ninttiosuis'}, {'name': 'mmee', 'projects': 'poreeer', 'institution': 'tisiiioinno'}, {'name': 'nmen', 'projects': 'torjjjc', 'institution': 'ninttiosuis'}]} False Edit Delete
12 CDCB ADBB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. AACD 0 mnem aenn {'projects': []} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'emaa', 'projects': 'toepcpc', 'institution': 'uiinotontii'}, {'name': 'nnma', 'projects': 'ecterjr', 'institution': 'snnutitoiit'}]} False Edit Delete
54 DADC ACDD Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. AACA 0 nmnn eenm {'projects': [{'Title': 'BBAA', 'funder': 'FBBB'}, {'Title': 'BBBB', 'funder': 'MBBD'}, {'Title': 'DCDB', 'funder': 'FBMM'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'mmee', 'projects': 'cprtjrr', 'institution': 'uitsnnuiitu'}, {'name': 'naen', 'projects': 'jrcrcep', 'institution': 'innttnttoii'}]} False Edit Delete
55 ABDD CBCC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. BDDD 0 mene enam {'projects': [{'Title': 'ABDC', 'funder': 'DB B'}, {'Title': 'DCBD', 'funder': 'FBMF'}, {'Title': 'BCAA', 'funder': 'FMBG'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'aaan', 'projects': 'ttpprjp', 'institution': 'tiiitutoini'}, {'name': 'neem', 'projects': 'jrrpocp', 'institution': 'ssosniiittt'}]} False Edit Delete
56 CCDC CDAC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DCBA 0 nmaa emea {'projects': [{'Title': 'ADBD', 'funder': 'BBBB'}, {'Title': 'CDBA', 'funder': 'DDFF'}, {'Title': 'DDBA', 'funder': 'DBFF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'aanm', 'projects': 'jrppptp', 'institution': 'iutitnttnti'}, {'name': 'aaen', 'projects': 'jrtrcop', 'institution': 'nttuootinss'}, {'name': 'aaen', 'projects': 'jrtrcop', 'institution': 'nttuootinss'}]} False Edit Delete
57 AACD CACC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. BDDC 0 anam aean {'projects': [{'Title': 'ABDB', 'funder': 'DGGF'}, {'Title': 'CBAB', 'funder': 'GF '}, {'Title': 'BAAC', 'funder': 'FFBB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nnna', 'projects': 'cpoottj', 'institution': 'ntososiunis'}, {'name': 'eama', 'projects': 'otrjjrr', 'institution': 'oisinsiiuit'}, {'name': 'eama', 'projects': 'otrjjrr', 'institution': 'oisinsiiuit'}]} False Edit Delete
58 BDCD CACB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. BBCC 0 mnae anae {'projects': [{'Title': 'AADB', 'funder': 'GDDM'}, {'Title': 'CAAA', 'funder': 'BG B'}, {'Title': 'DABA', 'funder': 'DBMF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nmaa', 'projects': 'peojper', 'institution': 'isiintnitii'}, {'name': 'maam', 'projects': 'jejtcot', 'institution': 'sonttuoioii'}, {'name': 'maam', 'projects': 'jejtcot', 'institution': 'sonttuoioii'}]} False Edit Delete
59 BDCA BCAB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CCDB 0 mane mmmn {'projects': [{'Title': 'CABD', 'funder': 'FFMF'}, {'Title': 'CABA', 'funder': 'MMBM'}, {'Title': 'CABD', 'funder': 'B BG'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'amne', 'projects': 'eprccpj', 'institution': 'isisintiott'}, {'name': 'aemn', 'projects': 'tjeeect', 'institution': 'ttiintitntt'}]} False Edit Delete
60 CBDC ABCB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. AAAB 0 aeae emnn {'projects': [{'Title': 'DAAB', 'funder': 'DDD '}, {'Title': 'DDDA', 'funder': 'BDGM'}, {'Title': 'ADDC', 'funder': 'MFBM'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nama', 'projects': 'rotoroe', 'institution': 'tntsunntstn'}, {'name': 'mman', 'projects': 'ejtcjcp', 'institution': 'totstttnnoi'}, {'name': 'mman', 'projects': 'ejtcjcp', 'institution': 'totstttnnoi'}]} False Edit Delete
61 ABCC AACA Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CDBA 0 mmmm mnen {'projects': [{'Title': 'CAAC', 'funder': 'DGFB'}, {'Title': 'BDBD', 'funder': 'FGFM'}, {'Title': 'DDBB', 'funder': 'BFMB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'eenm', 'projects': 'ptrjtrp', 'institution': 'tnooitnnini'}, {'name': 'eeam', 'projects': 'pprpcpt', 'institution': 'iiotouoiiii'}]} False Edit Delete
62 DDDB DDBA Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CCBC 0 naae aaan {'projects': [{'Title': 'DCDA', 'funder': 'BDGF'}, {'Title': 'DDAC', 'funder': 'DMFD'}, {'Title': 'AABA', 'funder': 'BDGB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'mnmm', 'projects': 'erccepc', 'institution': 'itnntinutto'}, {'name': 'anan', 'projects': 'cpctcpo', 'institution': 'sitottnuito'}]} False Edit Delete
63 DDAD BDCB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DADC 0 nnnn mnea {'projects': [{'Title': 'BDBA', 'funder': 'DFBF'}, {'Title': 'CBBA', 'funder': 'BFGD'}, {'Title': 'CDDD', 'funder': 'B M '}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nenm', 'projects': 'rtjpeop', 'institution': 'iuninninniu'}, {'name': 'meee', 'projects': 'rjjrorj', 'institution': 'tittittoonu'}]} False Edit Delete
64 BAAA ADBD Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DDCA 0 emmn amee {'projects': [{'Title': 'ADBB', 'funder': 'DFGM'}, {'Title': 'BBDB', 'funder': 'MGMB'}, {'Title': 'BAAB', 'funder': 'MB G'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'enmm', 'projects': 'ppertpt', 'institution': 'uiinistiinn'}, {'name': 'eann', 'projects': 'rrppret', 'institution': 'itontnitniu'}]} False Edit Delete
65 ADCD BBDC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. ACDB 0 mann neen {'projects': [{'Title': 'DBBD', 'funder': 'GBBG'}, {'Title': 'DCBC', 'funder': 'FB B'}, {'Title': 'BCBA', 'funder': ' FGF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'aaea', 'projects': 'ocppoce', 'institution': 'outunouiito'}, {'name': 'nmnn', 'projects': 'jtcjppr', 'institution': 'itttsttttni'}]} False Edit Delete
66 DCDA CCCC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CDBD 0 emam nmen {'projects': [{'Title': 'BDBC', 'funder': 'FG D'}, {'Title': 'DABA', 'funder': 'DFDB'}, {'Title': 'CBDB', 'funder': 'GFFM'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'eame', 'projects': 'poeeotr', 'institution': 'nttnitsnito'}, {'name': 'memm', 'projects': 'jpjpcct', 'institution': 'tisitttniti'}]} False Edit Delete
67 ACAB DCBA Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CCCB 0 mman aanm {'projects': [{'Title': 'AABA', 'funder': 'FMBB'}, {'Title': 'BDDC', 'funder': 'BMFF'}, {'Title': 'BBBA', 'funder': 'FDBM'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nnae', 'projects': 'ppcteoe', 'institution': 'tniinttitnt'}, {'name': 'mnmn', 'projects': 'eotrrrc', 'institution': 'tutotitintu'}]} False Edit Delete
68 BDAB CCDC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. BDDB 0 meae amne {'projects': [{'Title': 'CBBB', 'funder': 'BGGB'}, {'Title': 'ADDD', 'funder': 'FBFF'}, {'Title': 'ACAD', 'funder': 'BGBM'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nnnn', 'projects': 'rejrcct', 'institution': 'oiiosnsitno'}, {'name': 'eaam', 'projects': 'procrcr', 'institution': 'ituoitonoou'}]} False Edit Delete
69 DBCA BDAA Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. ADAB 0 anen anae {'projects': [{'Title': 'DCCA', 'funder': ' MBG'}, {'Title': 'CDCB', 'funder': 'F FF'}, {'Title': 'CCBD', 'funder': 'MDFM'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nnem', 'projects': 'eprjorp', 'institution': 'istooiiuins'}, {'name': 'nann', 'projects': 'ctrerro', 'institution': 'iisniitsiui'}]} False Edit Delete
70 ADBB ACAA Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. AABB 0 maen nnam {'projects': [{'Title': 'BCBA', 'funder': ' FB '}, {'Title': 'BABB', 'funder': 'GMMF'}, {'Title': 'CCAB', 'funder': 'FDBF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nmen', 'projects': 'jooettj', 'institution': 'ttnitttiins'}, {'name': 'aenn', 'projects': 'rrcjcto', 'institution': 'iutnuttiiti'}]} False Edit Delete
71 CDDD ABCB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CCAA 0 meae aaam {'projects': [{'Title': 'CBBD', 'funder': 'BB F'}, {'Title': 'DDAC', 'funder': 'BBGF'}, {'Title': 'BBCC', 'funder': 'MFD '}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'mmae', 'projects': 'eecjtjp', 'institution': 'otninnststt'}, {'name': 'meen', 'projects': 'ptrtjcj', 'institution': 'inniiunioin'}]} False Edit Delete
72 BDAA ADAB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CCAB 0 aama nmnn {'projects': [{'Title': 'ABBC', 'funder': ' FBD'}, {'Title': 'CACC', 'funder': 'DFDD'}, {'Title': 'ACAB', 'funder': 'DMB '}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'meen', 'projects': 'ejoetoo', 'institution': 'sntnutiiiio'}, {'name': 'aeae', 'projects': 'prretjp', 'institution': 'stiittnouun'}]} False Edit Delete
73 ABDD CDBC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. AACD 0 nean nmea {'projects': [{'Title': 'ADDA', 'funder': 'MFDM'}, {'Title': 'BACD', 'funder': 'FDMM'}, {'Title': 'CBDD', 'funder': 'BDMB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'aeam', 'projects': 'pooojoc', 'institution': 'iitoiitnnit'}, {'name': 'nnmn', 'projects': 'torrrcp', 'institution': 'ttottitisui'}]} False Edit Delete
74 DBBC CACD Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. ADCA 0 mnae enem {'projects': [{'Title': 'CDDC', 'funder': 'BFB '}, {'Title': 'DBCD', 'funder': 'DFDM'}, {'Title': 'AAAC', 'funder': 'F GF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'annn', 'projects': 'tjroeeo', 'institution': 'nonouontiii'}, {'name': 'mmmm', 'projects': 'rooccce', 'institution': 'utotsisntnt'}]} False Edit Delete
75 DCBB BDBA Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. BAAA 0 eane enam {'projects': [{'Title': 'ACCC', 'funder': 'BBDD'}, {'Title': 'AACD', 'funder': 'BFFM'}, {'Title': 'CCDD', 'funder': ' BBD'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'anmm', 'projects': 'pjpeprt', 'institution': 'itiiusnunti'}, {'name': 'eeae', 'projects': 'ctrjotp', 'institution': 'ninnutiisti'}]} False Edit Delete
76 BACB DCDB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DDDA 0 eane ennn {'projects': [{'Title': 'DBAA', 'funder': ' GBM'}, {'Title': 'CBCD', 'funder': ' FFG'}, {'Title': 'ADCB', 'funder': 'GBMF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'mnee', 'projects': 'eeccjep', 'institution': 'ittitttnuui'}, {'name': 'nnma', 'projects': 'etctree', 'institution': 'ioitntnionn'}]} False Edit Delete
77 DDBB ABAA Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CDCC 0 aaen mmmn {'projects': [{'Title': 'CCAD', 'funder': 'FBFG'}, {'Title': 'DCCB', 'funder': 'GFFM'}, {'Title': 'DADD', 'funder': 'BDFB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nmee', 'projects': 'cttrojt', 'institution': 'ntutuiitito'}, {'name': 'nnae', 'projects': 'orroctp', 'institution': 'tistniititt'}]} False Edit Delete
78 CBDC CAAA Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CAAB 0 mmnm eaam {'projects': [{'Title': 'DCDC', 'funder': 'DFDB'}, {'Title': 'CBDD', 'funder': 'GFFG'}, {'Title': 'BCAB', 'funder': ' FFF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'aeam', 'projects': 'cretccr', 'institution': 'ututsninnto'}, {'name': 'nmnn', 'projects': 'rrtrjoc', 'institution': 'onnotstuton'}, {'name': 'aeam', 'projects': 'cretccr', 'institution': 'ututsninnto'}]} False Edit Delete
79 DBDC CCAB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. AADA 0 aema nmae {'projects': [{'Title': 'CCCB', 'funder': 'DDG '}, {'Title': 'CBCA', 'funder': 'BM D'}, {'Title': 'CABC', 'funder': 'FGDM'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'aeen', 'projects': 'eopeoco', 'institution': 'onionisnuio'}, {'name': 'nana', 'projects': 'tcepooj', 'institution': 'ttsitntnini'}]} False Edit Delete
80 ACBB DCDB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. ACCC 0 menm mann {'projects': [{'Title': 'ACDB', 'funder': 'BDF '}, {'Title': 'CCDC', 'funder': 'DDBB'}, {'Title': 'BDBB', 'funder': 'F F '}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'eeam', 'projects': 'rjeopcj', 'institution': 'tsioiunnitn'}, {'name': 'nean', 'projects': 'tprocet', 'institution': 'nnniitsitun'}]} False Edit Delete
81 BCDB CBCC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. BACD 0 enmn eaan {'projects': [{'Title': 'BDCA', 'funder': 'BBMB'}, {'Title': 'DDDB', 'funder': 'GMBF'}, {'Title': 'CDCD', 'funder': 'BDBF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'mean', 'projects': 'ecpjepj', 'institution': 'siuuiittnti'}, {'name': 'memm', 'projects': 'cerrtro', 'institution': 'iiinssitiui'}]} False Edit Delete
82 ABDC CBBB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. BBDA 0 anaa amaa {'projects': [{'Title': 'DADB', 'funder': 'BFF '}, {'Title': 'BDCB', 'funder': ' BDB'}, {'Title': 'CCBC', 'funder': 'BFMB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'maem', 'projects': 'trctjjt', 'institution': 'intnttnnusi'}, {'name': 'naen', 'projects': 'jreeoor', 'institution': 'iiintitittt'}, {'name': 'maem', 'projects': 'trctjjt', 'institution': 'intnttnnusi'}]} False Edit Delete
83 AACD CADC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. BCCA 0 menm aaae {'projects': [{'Title': 'ACBC', 'funder': 'BFBG'}, {'Title': 'AADC', 'funder': ' BFB'}, {'Title': 'CDDD', 'funder': ' BGG'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nmnn', 'projects': 'pjorttc', 'institution': 'tsstoousttn'}, {'name': 'eeem', 'projects': 'tepjtpj', 'institution': 'sotitoutiti'}]} False Edit Delete
84 DADD BBAD Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DADA 0 anem mmam {'projects': [{'Title': 'BABD', 'funder': 'MDBG'}, {'Title': 'BAAB', 'funder': 'DF F'}, {'Title': 'BBBA', 'funder': 'GGDB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'mnnm', 'projects': 'opjoret', 'institution': 'iintnttnoit'}, {'name': 'mnan', 'projects': 'jttepte', 'institution': 'ttstutuiits'}, {'name': 'mnan', 'projects': 'jttepte', 'institution': 'ttstutuiits'}]} False Edit Delete
85 BDCB ADDC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DCBD 0 ennn amem {'projects': [{'Title': 'AACA', 'funder': 'FGMG'}, {'Title': 'BABD', 'funder': 'GBD '}, {'Title': 'ACBC', 'funder': 'BBFB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'anaa', 'projects': 'rcpjtje', 'institution': 'uioutsiooii'}, {'name': 'nmne', 'projects': 'rpjeeor', 'institution': 'uosntotnoii'}]} False Edit Delete
86 BBDC DBAA Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. ACCD 0 enna enae {'projects': [{'Title': 'DBDD', 'funder': 'FFGB'}, {'Title': 'CDAD', 'funder': ' G D'}, {'Title': 'DBCC', 'funder': ' BMD'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nnmm', 'projects': 'ejjorop', 'institution': 'oinitnnitsi'}, {'name': 'nmna', 'projects': 'rpprtjc', 'institution': 'isitoiinitt'}, {'name': 'nmna', 'projects': 'rpprtjc', 'institution': 'isitoiinitt'}]} False Edit Delete
87 BCAB BBBB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. BDDD 0 maan eame {'projects': [{'Title': 'CDAA', 'funder': ' D '}, {'Title': 'CABA', 'funder': 'FDBF'}, {'Title': 'BCBC', 'funder': 'BGFD'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'eaaa', 'projects': 'jpecjjr', 'institution': 'oiisttotuti'}, {'name': 'aeme', 'projects': 'jocpoet', 'institution': 'nstttnouinn'}]} False Edit Delete
88 ACBB CBDD Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CDAC 0 aeea naae {'projects': [{'Title': 'CDBD', 'funder': 'FDD '}, {'Title': 'DDAA', 'funder': 'GMDG'}, {'Title': 'BAAB', 'funder': 'B BM'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'manm', 'projects': 'tortoet', 'institution': 'stttniisiis'}, {'name': 'aaem', 'projects': 'ppttcoe', 'institution': 'uinsittisin'}]} False Edit Delete
89 DDDD BCBD Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. ADBC 0 eaaa mnmn {'projects': [{'Title': 'ACDD', 'funder': ' B M'}, {'Title': 'ACAA', 'funder': 'BFMG'}, {'Title': 'BDBC', 'funder': 'B FF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'eeea', 'projects': 'ptocetp', 'institution': 'itsntniiinn'}, {'name': 'aamm', 'projects': 'jjppjej', 'institution': 'insotnitiiu'}]} False Edit Delete
90 CACA ADAA Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DBBB 0 memm enee {'projects': [{'Title': 'AAAD', 'funder': 'DFD '}, {'Title': 'CADD', 'funder': 'BMMD'}, {'Title': 'DACC', 'funder': 'BFGF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'neam', 'projects': 'oocjjcj', 'institution': 'iisnittuiti'}, {'name': 'enen', 'projects': 'ptrttte', 'institution': 'tttisnisott'}, {'name': 'enen', 'projects': 'ptrttte', 'institution': 'tttisnisott'}]} False Edit Delete
91 BDCD ADAD Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. BCBD 0 emen nann {'projects': [{'Title': 'AADA', 'funder': 'D F'}, {'Title': 'ADBC', 'funder': 'BGDF'}, {'Title': 'BCDD', 'funder': 'FBBB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'eeae', 'projects': 'oojojpr', 'institution': 'tiiiittusui'}, {'name': 'eame', 'projects': 'toojrtj', 'institution': 'nttsiitisiu'}]} False Edit Delete
92 ACAB AADB Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. ADAA 0 mmme naea {'projects': [{'Title': 'BBDD', 'funder': 'BGBB'}, {'Title': 'DADD', 'funder': 'M MB'}, {'Title': 'DDDB', 'funder': 'DBFF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'neea', 'projects': 'rccecpc', 'institution': 'niiotusotio'}, {'name': 'eema', 'projects': 'rpjrore', 'institution': 'iuiititistt'}, {'name': 'eema', 'projects': 'rpjrore', 'institution': 'iuiititistt'}]} False Edit Delete
93 ABBA ADCD Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. BCCB 0 nenm mnne {'projects': [{'Title': 'CABA', 'funder': 'MMFB'}, {'Title': 'BBBC', 'funder': ' BMM'}, {'Title': 'DBAD', 'funder': 'DFFB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nmaa', 'projects': 'peeoocj', 'institution': 'nitnttnsnou'}, {'name': 'eeaa', 'projects': 'jrjpctj', 'institution': 'ouioistntsi'}]} False Edit Delete
94 ADDA ADAC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. BBAA 0 eama amne {'projects': [{'Title': 'BBCC', 'funder': 'BBFG'}, {'Title': 'CDDA', 'funder': ' GGD'}, {'Title': 'CCAD', 'funder': 'FBMB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'enae', 'projects': 'cptjrcr', 'institution': 'stsinnottus'}, {'name': 'meee', 'projects': 'jtetter', 'institution': 'oiiitiisuis'}, {'name': 'meee', 'projects': 'jtetter', 'institution': 'oiiitiisuis'}]} False Edit Delete
95 AADB DADA Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CDCB 0 annn mnmn {'projects': [{'Title': 'CCCD', 'funder': 'BFDM'}, {'Title': 'ABDD', 'funder': 'DMBF'}, {'Title': 'DCDA', 'funder': 'MBFG'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nann', 'projects': 'tottopr', 'institution': 'tiinonnitsi'}, {'name': 'nmen', 'projects': 'epjpepj', 'institution': 'ntoioinssin'}, {'name': 'nmen', 'projects': 'epjpepj', 'institution': 'ntoioinssin'}]} False Edit Delete
96 DCCC CBBA Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. ABAD 0 aeea emna {'projects': [{'Title': 'DDCD', 'funder': 'FDFD'}, {'Title': 'BCCB', 'funder': 'F MG'}, {'Title': 'BBBA', 'funder': 'DMFF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nena', 'projects': 'ecccopp', 'institution': 'titntnnnntn'}, {'name': 'mnea', 'projects': 'tcepopp', 'institution': 'iiitittsiui'}]} False Edit Delete
97 AADA CABC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CDBB 0 neee nnem {'projects': [{'Title': 'DDDC', 'funder': ' FBB'}, {'Title': 'CABD', 'funder': 'F FG'}, {'Title': 'CBCB', 'funder': 'DGBB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'amne', 'projects': 'pretrco', 'institution': 'ttiiustniuo'}, {'name': 'anmn', 'projects': 'orcrcpe', 'institution': 'iisossintit'}]} False Edit Delete
98 DBDC DDAA Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CABA 0 nemm emma {'projects': [{'Title': 'CDAB', 'funder': 'BMFF'}, {'Title': 'DABC', 'funder': 'FFFD'}, {'Title': 'CDAC', 'funder': 'BBDF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nann', 'projects': 'rrctejp', 'institution': 'totnnitiiit'}, {'name': 'mnmn', 'projects': 'otpopte', 'institution': 'tittinointi'}]} False Edit Delete
99 DAAA BBDC Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CDDC 0 nmen mamm {'projects': [{'Title': 'CACB', 'funder': 'DFFF'}, {'Title': 'AAAB', 'funder': 'BDBB'}, {'Title': 'CCCC', 'funder': 'BBFF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'anmm', 'projects': 'ejcecrt', 'institution': 'tnntsnnitto'}, {'name': 'mama', 'projects': 'jrtjjot', 'institution': 'nuutitnnttt'}, {'name': 'mama', 'projects': 'jrtjjot', 'institution': 'nuutitnnttt'}]} False Edit Delete
100 DCBD AADD Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. ADCA 0 emme nnae {'projects': [{'Title': 'BCBC', 'funder': 'MFFM'}, {'Title': 'CCBD', 'funder': 'DGMM'}, {'Title': 'CBDD', 'funder': 'M BM'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'ennm', 'projects': 'rttrocc', 'institution': 'uttsiuiouin'}, {'name': 'meee', 'projects': 'ejcpcrt', 'institution': 'tstuotsotno'}]} False Edit Delete
101 DBCC CBCA Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. DACC 0 anan emea {'projects': [{'Title': 'BBBC', 'funder': 'BGFF'}, {'Title': 'BAAB', 'funder': 'D M'}, {'Title': 'DBDD', 'funder': 'GDFB'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'mane', 'projects': 'rpjeeec', 'institution': 'ottiustitno'}, {'name': 'mnam', 'projects': 'erctctt', 'institution': 'iotiotootnt'}]} False Edit Delete
102 BDBB CCDD Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CDBC 0 eana amee {'projects': [{'Title': 'BAAB', 'funder': 'MDDB'}, {'Title': 'ABAA', 'funder': 'MBGG'}, {'Title': 'DCBA', 'funder': 'GGFG'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'eaam', 'projects': 'tcjpjjc', 'institution': 'iuntiitntnn'}, {'name': 'emee', 'projects': 'trerrcr', 'institution': 'tsiioiniiut'}]} False Edit Delete
103 CCDC BBCD Nov. 16, 2023, 1:07 p.m. CAAC 0 nann mene {'projects': [{'Title': 'DCCA', 'funder': 'DDDB'}, {'Title': 'DBDB', 'funder': 'GF F'}, {'Title': 'ABDB', 'funder': 'FMFF'}]} {'collaborators': [{'name': 'nnmn', 'projects': 'jeotjcj', 'institution': 'tistnunntnn'}, {'name': 'anna', 'projects': 'eropeje', 'institution': 'ttiniitonsi'}, {'name': 'anna', 'projects': 'eropeje', 'institution': 'ttiniitonsi'}]} False Edit Delete